
Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Absence makes the views plummet 

It isn't that nothing's been happening that I wanted to comment on. There's been plenty.

It's just that my level of Internet access while on vacation is nowhere near commensurate with the amount of commenting I wish to do.

So it may be August before you find out what I think of all those people who were scandalized by the President's praises of Bill Clinton last month (come on, he was just innoculating himself against criticism by Clinton, not to mention just plain being a nice guy, which is what he is), or Kerry's VP choice (interesting that North Carolina probably won't vote for him). Or what I think of Spider-Man 2 (good, better than the first, but still not as good as I'd hoped for a number of reasons). Or The Chronicles of Riddick (good, but sags in the middle; the whole prison planet thing could've been eliminated; the end was good). Or King Arthur (haven't seen it as of this writing, but I don't hold out much hope. Keira Knightley. Mmmmm).

I hope to get high-speed Internet access at my own apartment this fall, so posting volume will likely be high sometime after August. In the meantime, take care, and remember who loves you.


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