
Friday, April 23, 2004


I used to go to a church where they'd project songs up on the massive walls at the front of the sanctuary, while the congregation sang to the accompaniment of many, many acoustic guitars.

I could never warm to it.

I don't like campfire songs in church. They have their place... around campfires. Surely they bless some people, and I'd not be a stumbling block to them. But as Sunday morning praise, sung during the time we have "mystic sweet communion" with the heavenly hosts who praise the Lord throughout all the days, those 1970's guitar-fests drive me up the wall they're projected on.

(But at least the guitar-fests and praise music are better than the crap on a cracker that passes for music where karaoke is fashionable. I despise karaoke in church.)

Color me traditionalist. I was raised singing certain hymns -- hymns, mind you -- and to my jaded, cynical, narrow mind, they're still the best.

I think I would probably be happiest if I could find a church that sang only a few certain hymns, to the accompaniment of a gigantic pipe organ, preferably played by ol' Johann Sebastian B. himself. Hymns like:

God of Our Fathers
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Crown Him With Many Crowns
All Hail the Power (both arrangements, preferably with one sung before and one after the proclamation of the Word)
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
And Can It Be (Amazing Love)
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
It Is Well With My Soul
Holy, Holy, Holy
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Great Is Thy Faithfulness

I've left some out. Anybody want to help me remember?

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