
Friday, April 16, 2004

Terrorist Tactics 

Marines in Fallujah have observed terrorists using ambulances to transport weapons, according to this press release.

Marines in the city witnessed an ambulance back up to a mosque inside Fallujah. Occupants from the vehicle subsequently carried weapons into the mosque. In a similar incident, another ambulance parked in front of a building and weapons were taken inside the structure.

By using ambulances, they are putting Iraqis in harm’s way by denying them a critical component of urgent medical care. Mosques, ambulances and hospitals are protected under Geneva Convention agreements and are not targeted by U.S. Marines. However, once they are used for the purpose of hostile intent toward Coalition Forces, they lose their protected status and may be targeted.

Michael Moore, take note:

Enemy action today also threatened civilian medical care to the Iraqis. About noon today, two enemy mortar rounds impacted inside the Jordanian Hospital compound in Fallujah. Two Jordanian citizens were injured. The Jordanian Hospital is one of the few sites around Fallujah where civilians are able to seek medical treatment.

These are your "Minutemen," you lying sack of overripe dog crap.

(Moore's obnoxious column fisked at Right Thinking from the Left Coast. Hat tip to Andrew Sullivan.)

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