
Thursday, May 20, 2004

From the mouths of news-babes 

In the howling, wind-scoured wasteland that is Katie Couric's mind... a flickering light dawns.

In all honesty, I grant that Brock may have a point on certain things, and a media that tilts predominantly right would be no better, and perhaps worse, than one that tilts left. But as a news consumer who gets most of his information from ABC, CBS, and NPR, it sure looks to me like the predominant bias right now is to the left. You have to have cable to get FNC (which, granted, most normal denizens of the 21st century have), and you have to have a work schedule that allows you to listen to radio in the afternoon (or a station that rebroadcasts it) to listen to Rush. Essentially, I find that left-tilted news comes right to me, while I have to actively search for right-tilted news.

Hat tip: La Shawn Barber's Corner.

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