
Wednesday, August 11, 2004

John Kerry and the Swiftboat Vets 

An interesting comparison last night from Newt Gingrich on The O'Reilly Factor -- no, I didn't watch the whole thing, I can't stand O'Reilly. But Gingrich essentially compared the Swiftboat Vets to Michael Moore and Fahrenheit 9/11.


Meanwhile, at www.factcheck.org, there's this summary of the claims and counterclaims from each side of the dispute.

My personal view: I've never worn the uniform and I'm not going to be one to accuse Kerry of anything in that regard. I oppose his election because of his stands on several issues and what he's done since he entered public life, not because of four months in a confusing and hostile environment. I do wish he'd release his actual military records, which might clear up all of this overnight.

And I do find the historic reversal of each party's usual position amusing. Whoever thinks God (or at least history) has no sense of humor, riddle me this: how is it that Democrats now prefer a war criminal to a draft dodger?

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