
Friday, August 06, 2004

School's in. Time for a rant. 

Summer's dead. I'm back, just finishing up my first week at work. Pre-planning this week; no kids except at the open house last night.

The kids come next week. Our numbers are huge right now; we're looking at over 30 kids in each class. Fellow conservatives: Every time you say "money isn't the answer to education problems," it makes me want to force you to walk a mile in my shoes and see exactly how much the answer to our education problems is money. Money, in this case, for enough desks to seat all the kids in my classes; if they all show up, they're going to be sitting in the floor.

Oh, and money would be good for other little amenities I lack right now. Such as textbooks. You know, little things.

And more teachers to reduce class sizes down to a manageable level. Like, say, 30 in each class instead of 41.

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