
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Another week, another attempted bombshell. 

I want to blog about the phony explosives story that was supposed to destroy Bush's chances for re-election -- until NBC, of all people, torpedoed the plan, but not before the Kerry campaign spent time and money assembling a campaign ad excoriating Bush for, among other things, not personally standing guard over the Al Qa Qaa facility with an M-16, and also for being a mean bad stupid little funny-looking man.

I want to blog about it, but I'm not sure I can summon the outrage.

Outrage, I summon and bind thee.

Nothing. Fortunately, others have done the heavy lifting for me -- as always -- so I'll settle for some links. YOU SHOULD FOLLOW AND READ THESE, especially if you think there's anything to this 380-tons of crap:

The Belmont Club puts things in perspective.
The Mudville Gazette makes a good point.
The Daily Recycler has video of the Miklaszewski report on NBC.
The Kerry Spot at National Review On-line always has good stuff, and has a great deal about this. So does The Corner at the same place.
Power Line is must-reading. Particularly here.
Frank at IMAO wants to declare jihad on CBS News and the NYT. Be sure to check out Bush's new radio ad while you're there. And thank God for IMAO.
The Truth Laid Bear asks "If the explosives were looted, why haven't they been used?" TTLB's excellent summary and round-up is here.
And last but certainly not least, another Belmont Club post.

Maybe tomorrow, I'll be outraged. Tonight, I'm too bombed tired.

Hat tips to all of the above, which are so cross-linked that going to one sort of leads to the others.

UPDATE: Belmont Club has this analysis of newly resurfaced news that the 3rd Infantry Division had searched the Al Qa Qaa site upon its arrival in the area in early April, nearly a week before the 101st Airborne units previously reported to have found nothing (as it turns out, they were basically using the place as a RON site). Via InstaPundit, which also reports 3ID's findings.

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