
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

MoveOn.org: Voter fraud... by cookie 

A report from Bradenton, Florida that MoveOn.org is giving cookies to anyone who says they voted for Kerry.

A long shot, perhaps, but consider the scenario:

1. Tired, hungry voter goes to the polls and votes for Bush.

2. On the way out, s/he is offered a nice refreshing cookie in exchange for the little white lie of saying s/he voted for Kerry. Remember, the voter is tired and hungry, and the cookie looks sooo good... what can it hurt?

3. Steps 1 and 2 are repeated a few hundred times, here and at different polls around the country.

4. MoveOn.org's "exit polls" show Kerry getting many more votes than he actually gets... whereupon MoveOn.org cries foul and further ingrains the meme of "Republican vote suppression." Some lawyer tries to take it to court, but the case is quietly dismissed in view of how the "poll" was conducted. We never hear about the dismissal... all we hear are MoveOn.org's allegations, and the meme replicates for the next election cycle.

Yes, it's got holes big enough to drive Michael Moore (or me) through, but I wouldn't put it past them.

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