Friday, November 12, 2004
An old cancer
Well, well; via Instapundit, news that the nazis will run for President in '08.
Their press release:
That anyone in this day and age could harbor anything but loathing for the nazi party and all it stands for is a sign of the how deep the darkness of human nature can go. That there are still people today who deny the Holocaust ever happened (and are then defended by Noam Chomsky for saying so) is a sure indicator that some people would rather hate than think, rather belong to something than be right, rather ascribe their misery to hidden puppeteers pulling their financial and political strings than to their own lack of industry, or intellectual integrity, or whatever. The only good thing that can come of the nazi candidacy would be its total repudiation by American voters... but then, there are bound to be at least a few thousand of these inbred nutjobs who will actually vote for the goose-steppers, and that will be enough to encourage them to go on with their vile efforts.
(And yes, I am using rhetoric here very similar to what's been leveled against Bush supporters in recent days, and perhaps there is an element of the schoolyard here, where those who are bullied in turn pick on the next most vulnerable. Not that I believe at all that conservative ideals or values are anything like those of the nazis, but I do understand a bit better, I think, the superheated invective being directed at us with little or no evidence of rational thought behind it. Some things are so patently wrong that any attempt to articulate why becomes an exercise in futility. But then, I don't think I've ever felt that way about Democrats; even at the height of the anti-Clinton hysteria that swept our movement in the Nineties, I could articulate reasons why he should be impeached. Not terribly good reasons, in the eyes of some, but compelling to me.)
But @rassmers take note of the nazi's worst crime: the co-opting of the Waterfall/Kallas campaign motto:
Their press release:
NS greetings, we would like to proudly announce our intention to field National Socialist Movement candidates in the 2008 Presidential Race. These probable Candidates would be for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency of the United States of America. We will announce the names of these individuals, along with our Public Proclamation in 2007, and perhaps others running for Public Office within the National Socialist Movement.Set aside for a moment the infelicities of grammar and spelling; those things aren't nearly as amusing when children are lining up with their parents for the gas chamber. Set aside also the fact that the only people who draw as much nazi ire as Democrats are the Republicans. (And the Jews, of course; but then, the major parties are just tools of ZOG to keep us down, don'tcha know?) Set aside even the frisson of fear that ripples the back at reading "Hail Victory!" from a self-styled nazi "commander"; that fear is what these bastards are counting on.
No openly National Socialist Candidate has ran for the Presidency of the United States, since Commander George Lincoln Rockwell planned on doing so, prior to his assassination in the 1960's. The National Socialist Movement hear by declares its intention to change that, and give the American People a probable choice when they go to the ballot booths in 2008.
The American People deserve far better than to have to make an ill informed choice between the lesser of two evils. Let them vote National Socialist in 2008.
A vote for National Socialism on Election Day is a vote for the White Race.
Hail Victory!
Commander Jeff Schoep/ National Director:
National Socialist Movement
That anyone in this day and age could harbor anything but loathing for the nazi party and all it stands for is a sign of the how deep the darkness of human nature can go. That there are still people today who deny the Holocaust ever happened (and are then defended by Noam Chomsky for saying so) is a sure indicator that some people would rather hate than think, rather belong to something than be right, rather ascribe their misery to hidden puppeteers pulling their financial and political strings than to their own lack of industry, or intellectual integrity, or whatever. The only good thing that can come of the nazi candidacy would be its total repudiation by American voters... but then, there are bound to be at least a few thousand of these inbred nutjobs who will actually vote for the goose-steppers, and that will be enough to encourage them to go on with their vile efforts.
(And yes, I am using rhetoric here very similar to what's been leveled against Bush supporters in recent days, and perhaps there is an element of the schoolyard here, where those who are bullied in turn pick on the next most vulnerable. Not that I believe at all that conservative ideals or values are anything like those of the nazis, but I do understand a bit better, I think, the superheated invective being directed at us with little or no evidence of rational thought behind it. Some things are so patently wrong that any attempt to articulate why becomes an exercise in futility. But then, I don't think I've ever felt that way about Democrats; even at the height of the anti-Clinton hysteria that swept our movement in the Nineties, I could articulate reasons why he should be impeached. Not terribly good reasons, in the eyes of some, but compelling to me.)
But @rassmers take note of the nazi's worst crime: the co-opting of the Waterfall/Kallas campaign motto:
The American People deserve far better than to have to make an ill informed choice between the lesser of two evils. Let them vote National Socialist in 2008.Indeed... why settle for the LESSER of two evils?
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