Monday, January 03, 2005
Home again... sort of
It's always been hard for me to think of where I'm currently living as "home," unless it happens to be under the same roof as my folks. I imagine this will change if and when I ever marry... but that doesn't seem to be an imminent threat at this point.
I'm "home," in the sense that I have returned to the domicile closest to my employment, the place I spend most nights of the year. But it is not home, and it never will be, unless a truly miraculous (or catastrophic) series of events ever occurs.
It's 2005, and I have promises to keep... the main one being, more blogging. I'm not sure exactly whom I'm promising this (or threatening with it). There certainly seem to be more or less continuous hits on this site even when it's not being updated regularly, so apparently there are at least a few people out there who are interested in what I have to say. Or who stumble in accidentally while searching for something worthwhile, and drift away mumbling imprecations in their utter disappointment. Somehow I bet the latter explanation is the one that holds in reality.
There are a couple of things, though, that I promised way back when I started this thing, and which I have yet to deliver upon. For one thing, I still owe Jill-Marie an explanation of the doctrines of grace, what most people call Calvinism, though that is a shorthand that carries some unwelcome baggage with it. For another... well, I can't think of another, except that as a member of the various blogrolls you see to the left (as of this writing), I feel genuine embarrassment at my lack of meaningful contribution to any of them.
Then again, since the election, I feel singularly uninterested in politics. The tsunami may change that... not because the suffering of millions of people in southern Asia and western Africa is any sort of suitable fodder for American politics (IT IS NOT ABOUT US), but because of... well... but even approaching the subject, I feel as if I'm being bathed with a film of offal. So maybe the politics of the response will not be commented upon here. Instead, I urge you to go to Samaritan's Purse and make a donation.
Or to World Vision.
Or, if you prefer not to give through Christian charities, there's always the Red Cross or the Red Crescent.
Someday, I have to learn to make my posts about ONE THING AT A TIME.
I'm "home," in the sense that I have returned to the domicile closest to my employment, the place I spend most nights of the year. But it is not home, and it never will be, unless a truly miraculous (or catastrophic) series of events ever occurs.
It's 2005, and I have promises to keep... the main one being, more blogging. I'm not sure exactly whom I'm promising this (or threatening with it). There certainly seem to be more or less continuous hits on this site even when it's not being updated regularly, so apparently there are at least a few people out there who are interested in what I have to say. Or who stumble in accidentally while searching for something worthwhile, and drift away mumbling imprecations in their utter disappointment. Somehow I bet the latter explanation is the one that holds in reality.
There are a couple of things, though, that I promised way back when I started this thing, and which I have yet to deliver upon. For one thing, I still owe Jill-Marie an explanation of the doctrines of grace, what most people call Calvinism, though that is a shorthand that carries some unwelcome baggage with it. For another... well, I can't think of another, except that as a member of the various blogrolls you see to the left (as of this writing), I feel genuine embarrassment at my lack of meaningful contribution to any of them.
Then again, since the election, I feel singularly uninterested in politics. The tsunami may change that... not because the suffering of millions of people in southern Asia and western Africa is any sort of suitable fodder for American politics (IT IS NOT ABOUT US), but because of... well... but even approaching the subject, I feel as if I'm being bathed with a film of offal. So maybe the politics of the response will not be commented upon here. Instead, I urge you to go to Samaritan's Purse and make a donation.
Or to World Vision.
Or, if you prefer not to give through Christian charities, there's always the Red Cross or the Red Crescent.
Someday, I have to learn to make my posts about ONE THING AT A TIME.
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