
Saturday, April 30, 2005

Don't Panic! 

Saw Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy today. As a fan of the books since I was twelve, I'm happy to report that it's a terrifically good adaptation, preserving not only the vast majority of the events and memorable dialogue of the book, but also -- and far more importantly -- its irreverent spirit.

Yes, it's all there -- towels, Belgium (though only mentioned once), and bad Vogon poetry. Even the sperm whale and the bowl of petunias put in their appearances.

And the Guide itself is imaginatively and raucously reproduced on screen via animated clips with voice-overs that sound remarkably like those of the radio series (no idea if it's the same guy, but it could be). It's introduced to the tune of the radio show's theme song -- that plaintive, forlorn, cosmic-sounding banjo that gives way to and joins in with a heroic orchestral hook.

Here's hoping it's successful enough that they make sequels. Given the audience reactions in the theater I was in -- in which a handful of people (including yours truly) laughed loudly at intervals the other theater-goers seemed to think odd -- I'm not sure it will be. But even if it's not -- even if we never get to see the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, or find out on-screen why that bowl of petunia's last thought was "Oh, no, not again" -- we'll still have this minor cinematic masterpiece to ameliorate the loss.

UPDATE: According to Morning Edition this morning, Disney will make sequels. And HHGTTG beat xXx this weekend! Boo-yah! Belgium you, Ice Cube!

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