
Monday, August 22, 2005

Casting Bond 

I may be a little slow on the uptake, but last week's news that Hugh Jackman has turned down the role of James Bond strikes me as singularly good news.

Not only because Jackman needs to stay available for X-Men 3, but because Jackman is just too... too... too not Bond to play Bond.

I've never heard of the contenders recently mentioned in British tabloids, except for Goran Vijnic, whom I would oppose based on the same problem of non-Bondness.

Personally, I'd like to see Jason Statham -- he of the devastating martial arts and the receding hairline -- as 007.  And believe me... as time goes on, I'd more and more like to see Statham because of the receding hairline.  But this is just wishful thinking.

It'll probably be Clive Owen... and as I watch Casino Royale, I'll have to try to forget the dreadful stillbirth that was King Arthur.

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