
Monday, August 22, 2005

Crumbs from the table 

Wow... four posts in one day.  That's gotta be some kind of record.

Actually, technically, since I was posting the first couple of these posts early this morning, just after midnight, to me it seems like these posts have been divided up over two days.  So... no record.

But still... four posts in two days is also some kind of record for this place.

Well, I suppose I owed the content-starved masses that click to this blog on a daily basis, each bedraggled one of you quivering with anticipation for new posts, only to have your hopes blasted to smithereens by my relentless laziness, something to ameliorate the long days and bitter nights of no word from me.  Take these posts, like crumbs from the master's table, as your reward for your devotion.  Will I do better in the future?  I have no doubt that I won't.

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